Trecastle Community

Do us a Favour!

If you can help another member of the community why not put your favour on our page. This is all about helping each other and doing each other favours.

For example if you can collect shopping from Sennybridge or give someone a lift into Brecon let the village know. You maybe able to cut someones grass or lend someone  a ladder whatever the favour we want to know. Just fill in the form below and we'll post it on the page.

  1. Collections From Sennybridge

  2. Details: If anyone would like something collected from Sennybridge eg: shopping, prescriptions, etc please let me know if I can help.
  3. When/How Often: Wednesday morning (term time only)
  4. Contact Name: Kerry (top-shop)
  5. Telephone: 01874 636963
  6. Mobile:
  7. Email:
  1. Shopping 4U

  2. Details:

     I go to Tesco LLandrindod every Monday and 1 or more Co op's every Wednesday I am in 1or more Co ops Friday. I am in Morrison's and sometimes Co op if anyone needs any thing from these I will be happy to bring it back.

  3. When/How Often:
  4. Contact Name: Maureen Richards
  5. Telephone: 01874 638004
  6. Mobile:
  7. Email:


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Find out about our campaign to reduce speed through the villagespeed limit signs

Battle of Agincourt

Agincourt 600th Anniversay 2015Battle of Agincourt 600th Anniversary

Queen Opens Usk Reservoir

Royal visit to wales 1955 - opening of the Usk reserevoir